From 19th October has started the promotion of the upcoming web series Ragini MMS Returns which has starred Karishma Sharma and produced by Ekta Kapoor. Karishma Sharma And Siddharth Gupta has come here in the open and intimate scene. Karishma Sharma along with actress Siddharth Gupta was seen very keenly in the kiss scene. It seems Suyash Vadhavkar kept on re-shooting the Kissing scene again and again to make it look wild and real. In an Indian press interview asked him whether she would be a toppless like Radhika in the movie Parched? She said, of course, I have no objection if the script is very good and I love the character.
Karishma Sharma said regarding Ragini MMS Returns kisses scene, It was not very difficult because from the beginning they was told about Ragini MMS Returns hot intimate scenes. There was nothing hurriedly, even no one was imposed on me.
As much as is known yet, the film follows a cliched story in a college setting, where the students just can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. Haunted with a shaking past and the staple chowkidaar saying that he had warned people, but no one listened. But the people indeed didn’t listen and we have a horror story at our hands. So, we have the old lady who is the spirit killing off the youngsters one by one. Karishma and Riya have to find out a way to stop the murders. From the trailer, Siddharth Gupta has little work other than making out with Karishma. We are guessing that Riya Sen might be the ghost.
Produced by ALTBalaji, directed by Suyash Vadhavkar, featuring Karishma Sharma, Siddharth Gupta, Riya Sen, Nishant Malkani, Dilnaz Irani, Priyanka Bora and several others, Ragini MMS Returns will be streaming on ALTBalaji’s app on the 19th of October, 2017.
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